It's Sunday night, I just spent the weekend running around like a chicken with my head cut off and being unbelievably irritable (Sorry Lily and Ray!). Lily is packing to leave for Taiwan tomorrow morning and I still haven't even started very typical. I guess I don't really have anything that exciting to post yet, but I figured I would try to set a standard, and make sure I'm using this site having given it to everyone already. I am feeling anxiety over all these changes. I know I should be so excited, but it hasn't really hit me yet. As I was saying to people on Friday, I have been in planning and waiting mode for the past year, but nothing officially changed until I walked out of work. Tomorrow will be filled with sad goodbyes, packing and going to the dentist (5th time in 2 weeks...SO ANNOYING).
The next time I post will probably be when I get to oh man, what have I gotten myself into??? But we all gotta do something that makes us nervous at least a few times in our lives, right?
On a seperate note, I am saddened to hear about all the fighting happening in the Middle East. I pray that somehow things will diffuse and one side will take that first step towards peace. We are so blessed beyond our understanding.
See you soon!
I'm so proud of you for striking out on your own to do this crazy adventure!
I'll be logging onto your site to read about your adventures. I will also help advertise you site (no pressure) :-)
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