Hello, not sure if people will still be reading this blog but I figure it's a good way to keep track of what is happening in my life at the moment. Since I have been home, I have successfully recovered 80% of my pictures (Thanks to Ray!) and cleaned. Besides that, I have been living the life of leisure, just hanging out with family and friends, waiting for school to being...Tomorrow is orientation day and I am a bit nervous because I looked at my schedule and there seems to be a conflict, which hopefully will correct itself before I start on Monday. Seems like a busy year ahead of me, but exciting. I am very excited. Also, I spent the latter half of the week trying to figure out venue situations for my impending nuptials. Don't want to give too much away but so far so good, I think Ray and I may be making some rounds this weekend for a few of the places to check 'em out. Wow, busy.
Anyway, hope all is well!!
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