The Anne Plan

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's been a while since I posted and although the following is not quite a vigorous, I have gotten some requests to keep going! So, I am in my fifth week of teacher's college and so far it's been pretty good. We are learning a lot of theoretical stuff, so I'm not really sure how applicable it will all be. I mean, it sounds good but when students are coming at me a mile a minute, I don't know if I will be able to remember everything. It's been fun though, the whole "back to school" thing, meeting new people and getting comfortable in a new setting, I am really enjoying it a lot more than University, I think it's because the purpose this time is much more meaningful and I can appreciate the full meaning of an afternoon nap. This is where it gets fun, next week I start my practicum, I have 2 days orientation and then we get into the swing of things. I am far, the school I am working at seems good, the associate teacher is apparently a really good teacher, which are all good things but what if I suck. What if I figure out this isn't what I want to do? I know I've been in classroom settings before, but never with so much at stake. I am really going to try hard to connect with the kids because at the end of the day, that is why I am doing this...not for me, but for them. The school I am teaching at is really multicultural, apparently 177 countries are represented in the student body alone! Wow, if there ever was a place I would want to teach, that would be it. I am excited to learn, to grow and experience this thing first hand.

Other than that, wedding preps are still at about the same spot. Ray and I have tentative holds on a few places and are looking at more this weekend. He's been great about it, taking our time and just easing into the planning. I've enjoyed weekends at home, I recently did the walk for ALS which was fun and my mom was in great spirits. I also did the run for Breast Cancer with Colleen, proudly we completed the 5km....

Now I am sickly, trying to get better by resting, drinking water and lots of vitamin C.

Hope everyone is having a lovely fall. Talk to you soon!