The Anne Plan

Friday, November 17, 2006

What makes a good teacher? Is it someone who knows a lot and talks a lot? Is it someone who plans lots of fun lessons and makes learning interesting? It is someone who listens and cares for their students? Am I a good teacher? Will I be a good teacher?

Today was my last day of practicum and I am sad to be leaving my students, which means to me that I have definately picked the right profession. What started out as a dreadfully rainy day in October has been one of the best learning experiences in my life. The daily grind of being a teacher is not as easy as I thought, not that I ever thought it was easy but to be an effective teacher is to really plan, organize and execute as well as offer support, guidance and direction to your students in a gentle but firm way. I was unsure of so many things when this month began. Did I make the right choice in leaving my job and going back to school? Will I have the ability to teach effectively? Will my students like me? Will I be a good teacher? In only one month, I have answered some of those questions. I have had so many different types of experiences from the students and other teachers as well. A school really is a small community and if only for a month, I really did feel like I immersed myself into the culture of that environment.

My students are so awesome, the cards, cookies, encouragement and hugs I recieved today reaffirmed my decision in life and gives me the courage to look ahead at a career teaching, learning and growing because in the end, you should be doing all of these things as a teacher. My grade nine class was a challenge with behavioural, handicapped and high level achieving students but somehow we made it work. My grade twelve class was just amazing and the interaction with them felt really great to be able to teach at that kind of level. So now it's back to OISE, to learn more theory and finish off the semester in style. I am excited to hear all the stories and be back to being a student, if just for a little while longer...although I will miss my kids.

Happy Rainy November!